A Day In The Life Of An Account-Based Marketer

Account-based marketing is a strategy that focuses on building long-term relationships with target accounts by delivering relevant, personalized content and interactions. It enables marketers to create a holistic view of each account and then uses it to make a tailored customer experience across multiple channels.

To succeed in account-based marketing, you need to know your customers and their needs. You also need to understand how they buy and their preferred channels. Once you have this information, you can create strategies that resonate with them and help them solve their problems or achieve their goals.

This article will look at what an account-based marketer does daily and how they can help your business succeed with this approach.

Building a Strategy

As an A/B marketer, you need to know your company, its services, and its products well. You also need to understand what makes customers choose between different companies. You need to be able to answer questions such as:

  • What are our client's pain points?

  • How do we help them solve their problems with our products?

  • What value can we provide them?

  • How can we get more customers by solving their problems in a better way than our competitors do?

You should also know who your competitors are — direct and indirect — and how they are marketing themselves. What are their strategies for getting more leads and customers? How do they position themselves against you? How does your product differ from theirs? What are the advantages of using your product over theirs? How can you communicate these advantages to potential customers?

Developing Insight

An account-based marketer can develop insight into their target accounts. This could include information such as who they are, what they do, and what they want from your company. It can also include information about their competitors or the company's needs and goals. 

The point is that your ABM professional will have this information ready. This will help them make better decisions about who they should target next to grow more quickly than if they were only relying on guesswork when it comes time for them to start contacting new prospects to grow their business.

Creating Content

Another role an account-based marketer plays is to create content. Most marketers will tell you that content marketing is the most effective way to build trust with potential customers and drive sales. This is because it provides your audience with valuable information they want and needs.

That being said, creating engaging and valuable pieces of content can be difficult. To help ensure that you are doing this well, here are some things that account-based marketers should consider when it comes time to create content:

Ensure your content aligns with your buyer personas and goals. Your B2B company's blog needs to focus on technology or health care, for example. If you don't know who your target audience is or their needs, then there's no way that you will be able to provide them with helpful information.

Don't just write about what you know; write about what matters most for your audience. If someone in accounting wants advice on finding better clients, write about that topic specifically. Don't assume that everyone wants the same thing from their software solutions — they don't!

Driving Real Engagement From Clients

As an account-based marketer, you want to find ways in which you can engage with your customers on a more personal level. This means that you should be able to offer them products and services tailored for them and not just try to sell them something off the shelf.

You need to understand what type of software they may need and their business goals and needs to do this effectively. This way, when you contact them, they will feel like they have received a service specifically designed for them. This can lead to increased sales and leads.

Monitoring Performance Metrics

A good ABM marketer can track the campaign's performance and make adjustments as needed. You'll want to follow how well each one works for your business using multiple channels. You can do this by measuring the number of leads generated from each channel and their conversion rates.

For example, if you're emailing leads, you want to know how many people opened your emails, clicked on your site, and made a purchase. You can also track how many people unsubscribed from your list or opted out of future emails. This will help you determine what content works best for your audience and improve future campaigns.

Creating and Managing the Customer Experience

As an ABM marketer, you will create and manage the customer experience. This includes finding new customers, building relationships, and turning them into advocates for your product or service. You'll also need to manage your existing customer base by listening to their needs and ensuring that you're meeting those needs in the best way possible.

You'll have to understand what each type of customer wants from you — whether they're a small business owner, a large corporation, or someone in between. Knowing how many customers there are within each group is essential so you can build campaigns accordingly.

To do this successfully, create buyer personas for each group of customers so that you can better understand who they are and why they would want your product or service over another one like it.


Overall, working as an Account Based Marketer at a software company is a great experience. It's fast-paced and challenging but with the potential for growth that you'd expect from a rapidly expanding industry leader. Suppose you're drawn to dynamic leadership opportunities, the ability to embrace your creative side, and enjoy motivating others to perform at peak productivity levels, account-based marketing might be the job for you. 

Give us a call today!

Take away: An Account Based Marketer goes through a variety of tasks throughout the day and it’s more than what it looks on paper.


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